Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You can't go to Boston without a trip to Fenway Park, the oldest baseball stadium in the country. We ran into a little rain but the day/night was incredible. We started the afternoon with a tour of Fenway. While waiting for the tour to begin on famous Yawkey Way I was asked by a TV sports reporter if I had heard about what happened to Manny Ramirez? Being on vacation I was not current on the news so he informed me that Manny had tested for steroids and asked if he could he get my reaction on film. I stated that I was surprised with all the publicity and testing that a high profile player would risk taking steroids in this environment. My comments were heard that night on the channel 4 sports.

After the tour we met a Fenway employee who took us under her wing and got us into the park early for batting practice and where we were able to see the RedSox pitchers up close and get an autograph from Hideki Okajima. Carole our new friend hosted the old timers autograph booth at Fenway, was on her phone and handed it over to me saying she had someone that wanted to say hi. It was Johnny Pesky, the Redsox player that played in the 50's where the right field pole was named after him. The right field pole at Fenway is only 302 feet from home plate, and Pesky had a knack for hitting balls that seem to wrap around that foul pole for a home run.

Fenway is always sold out, so we had purchased our tickets after the tour. We moved down close to the Redsox dugout to watch the media frenzy with the news about Manny. As fans started to roll in we were getting ready to move over to the visitors side and mid way up in the stadium. It was just then an usher came over and said would it be okay if he moved us

Karen loves her seafood, it doesn't get much better than here at south harbor in Boston, MA

We enjoyed an entertaining and uplifting musical in 9 to 5 on Broadway. Karen is here with Megan Hilty who played the role of Dolly Parton. Dolly did write all the songs and lyrics in this musical. Julia Roberts was in the audience sitting 4 rows in front of us.

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